
Brand Autopsy Horrible Logo

THE OFFER was too irresistible to ignore. Spend $5 and receive a “logo that is guaranteed to suck.” I did it. And received a horribly sucky logo. I’m not the only one who spent some scratch to get a sketchy logo. My friends at JESS3 also got the horrible logo treatment. You should spend $5…

THE OFFER was too irresistible to ignore. Spend $5 and receive a “logo that is guaranteed to suck.” I did it. And received a horribly sucky logo.


I’m not the only one who spent some scratch to get a sketchy logo. My friends at JESS3 also got the horrible logo treatment.


You should spend $5 for a horrible logo. Be one of the cool kids and do it. Besides, the money goes to a cause … it’s used as beer money.
