
Rushkoff on Word of Mouth

Douglas Rushkoff is an author, thinker, and cultural clairvoyant. He is also a subscriber to the Evolutionist Word of Mouth theory as proof by the following snippets from his brilliantly insightful book, GET BACK IN THE BOX. ”Businesses today are counting on the power of ‘community’ to keep their products in perpetual circulation. A clever…

Douglas Rushkoff is an author, thinker, and cultural clairvoyant. He is also a subscriber to the Evolutionist Word of Mouth theory as proof by the following snippets from his brilliantly insightful book, GET BACK IN THE BOX.

”Businesses today are counting on the power of ‘community’ to keep their products in perpetual circulation. A clever new marketing campaign or a snazzy new package, it is hoped, will stir word of mouth about the same old product. But the only lasting way to raise the value of a product as social currency is to raise the value of the product itself. While creative marketing is always a plus, it is no substitute for creative development.” (GET BACK IN THE BOX | pgs. 157-158)

“To put it simply, communities naturally build around product lines that overflow with intrinsic value. People may talk about a brilliant advertising campaign, but they will never advocate an ad the way they advocate a product they love. A company’s real relationship with a customer is not communicated through the marketing, however compelling it may be. It is communicated through the cup holders in the doors, the easy-to-read LED display in the cell phone cover, the user-friendly menu on the digital video recorder, or the leak-proof absorbency of the baby diaper.” (GET BACK IN THE BOX | pg. 158)