
Nick Morgan on Better Presentations

Not sure who pointed me to this interview with Nick Morgan, but I’m glad they did. Nick is a communication and speech coach and his book, GIVE A SPEECH, CHANGE THE WORLD is a must-read for all us business folk who get up in front of people and speak. This interview with Management Consulting News…

Not sure who pointed me to this interview with Nick Morgan, but I’m glad they did.

Nick is a communication and speech coach and his book, GIVE A SPEECH, CHANGE THE WORLD is a must-read for all us business folk who get up in front of people and speak. This interview with Management Consulting News serves as a nice summary of the presentation advice Nick shares in his book.

Money quotes from the interview include:

“The wonderful thing about audiences is that they want to be enthralled and moved. They come in with a positive attitude in spite of the fact that they have been disappointed so many times. Audiences want you to succeed.”

“That support is yours to squander. If you fail to connect, midway through your speech the audience will no longer be on your side–they will be looking for the exits.”

“A successful speech takes your audience on a journey from why to how. Audiences come in asking why–Why am I here? Why is this important to me? They want the answer to be that this is going to be good for them in some way. If you succeed, by the end of your speech they will be asking how–How do I do what you are talking about? How do I get to work on this? That’s when you know you have gotten your message across.”

“Good speakers do two things well: they let their own personality come through, and they have a wide range of emotional expressiveness.”

“That’s what charisma is–emotional expressiveness, the ability to show a range of genuine emotions. But I don’t mean weeping or losing your temper. Rather, you need to let an audience know how you feel about what is important to you, when you are excited about something and when you are displeased with something.”

Read the complete interview here.