The Post2Post series about The 100 Best Business Books of All Time is chugging along. Yesterday I wrote about it and today, Phil Gerbyshak writes about it.
(And, I’m still writing about it today.)
Anytime anyone lists anything, something is certain to be left out. I felt my favorite business book was left out of the mix in The 100 Best Business Books of All Time, THE DISCIPLINE OF MARKET LEADERS deserves to be included in this book.
The authors of 100 BEST knew debate and conversation would be sparked by their listing of only 100 business books they felt were most worthwhile in today’s business world. To acknowledge this debate and to encourage conversation, the authors have created
Go to the site, type in the title of your favorite business book, and share your testimony for how that book changed your life. I testified for the worthiness of THE DISCIPLINE OF MARKET LEADERS.
I didn’t stop there. I also wrote a fake missing chapter for the book that should have been titled, The 100 & 1 Best Business Books of All Time.
Click below (or here) to read the fake missing chapter highlighting the worthiness of THE DISCIPLINE OF MARKET LEADERS (.pdf).