Legacy in the Making
Five Steps to Creating a Modern Brand Legacy
Business Strategy-related Post Archive
Five Steps to Creating a Modern Brand Legacy
Just because Amazon and Whole Foods speak different love languages doesn’t mean their impending marriage is setup to fail.
FRICTION will inspire you to use empathy as a strategic driver when designing your next marketing program.
"The entrepreneur thinks their business is about the product or service they are selling. As soon as they hire one person, it becomes about people and people serving people." -- Howard Behar
The boldest brands fight monsters in the marketplace. It's how they have been able to achieve greatness.
Most business growth initiatives fail. Research indicates only 25% of growth initiatives succeed.
A few weeks ago I talked to a roomful of restaurant marketers and operators about the importance of obsessing over customers.
Research shows that public companies where the founder is still active in day-to-day activities outperform other companies threefold.
The headline is misleading. Branding isn’t easy but it can be made easy. How? By being simple. Yes, simple.
Businesses have a choice in how they treat employees to make profits.