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Can one person in a workplace ruin a workplace?
Not sure who pointed me to this interview with Nick Morgan, but I’m glad they did. Nick is a communication and speech coach and his book, GIVE A SPEECH, CHANGE THE WORLD is a must-read for all us business folk who get up in front of people and speak. This interview with Management Consulting News…
Some might consider the product category of fire extinguishers as being boring. Sure, the fire extinguisher category is HIGHLY important, but it ain’t a sexy product category. Or is it? The Home Hero Fire Extinguisher looks anything but dull. It’s sleek and dare we say … sexy. The Arnell Group has redesigned the fire extinguisher…
Did you see the Brandweek story about Visual Vampires? Visual vampires are images shown in advertising that divert attention away from the advertised product. Think … Wendy’s Red Wig … Robert Goulet/Emerald Nuts … Paris Hilton/Carl’s Jr.. (Think 100% Creationist WOM where companies engage in outrageously gimmicky attention-grabbing antics to capture our attention.) The study…
In 2004, the New York Times dissected the Bush/Cheney and Kerry/Edwards presidential logos. With the 2008 Presidential Race heating up, the New York Times has dissected the campaign logos of the front-running candidates. Click the image below for a sampling of the dissection. If the image does not show-up big and clear enough on your…
Haven’t you wondered where the UPC barcodes we see in products come from? I have and thanks to Kelly Spors of the Wall Street Journal, I now know the process for getting a UPC Code. [ARTICLE LINK] Universal Product Codes (UPC) are given out by GS1, a nonprofit group responsible for setting standards for international…
According to Communications Consulting Worldwide (CCW), if Wal-Mart were to have the brand reputation of Target, then its stock price would increase 4.9% and its market capitalization would increase by $9.7 billion. CCW also estimates that if drugstore chain CVS had the reputation of its chief rival, Walgreens, then CVS’s stock would increase by 6.9%…
Today’s NY Times shares fascinating insights into the Wal-Mart brand from a leaked brand analysis report. (Access the article from the site or from here.) The report was conducted by Wal-Mart’s then agency-of-record, GSD&M, and according to the NY Times, this report, “… offers a rare glimpse of the concerns that are buffeting Wal-Mart’s…